Regular Verbs and Their Spelling

Most English verbs are regular.  The past tense and the past participle of all regular verbs end in -ed.

Work (base/infinitive form of the verb) – I work in Boston.
Worked (past tense) – Yesterday I worked in Boston.
Worked (past participle) – I have worked in Boston for three years.

Play – Played – Played
Cry – Cried – Cried
Stop – Stopped – Stopped

Here’s a long list of 600 common regular English verbs.  For all of these verbs, the past tense form (and the past participle) ends with the letters “ed“.

Here is more detail for the spelling rules for regular verbs.

English in Brazil

English in Brazil by Carina Fragozo is a very popular place online for Brazilians who are trying to improve their English. She has a YouTube channel – where there are hundreds of videos (mostly 10-15 minutes long, in Portuguese).  These explain English grammar, pronunciation, and vocabulary, and also offer encouragement and general study tips.

There are videos about many different topics for people with some English experience – such as this one about silent letters (letters that aren’t pronounced) in English words.  But there are also videos with “survival English” for beginners – like this one about shopping in a supermarket.