Many towns are offering clinics where you can get a free flu shot. The clinic in Framingham (for Framingham and Ashland residents) will be on Saturday, September 22nd from 10:00 until 2:00 at the McCarthy School at 8 Flagg Drive. It’s free, no insurance necessary. But if you have health insurance bring your health insurance card.
- In Natick, there will be a 2 free clinics:
- Wednesday Oct. 10th from 10AM-Noon, and 5-7PM at the Community Senior Center, 117 East Central St.
- Tuesday Nov 6th from 5-7PM at the Town Hall, 13 East Central St. (2nd floor)
- Milford: Monday October 22nd at Milford Senior Center (60 North Bow St) from 5-7PM
- Southborough: on Thursday October 5th at the Senior Center, 9 Cordaville Rd. 10AM-12:30PM for Seniors; 2-4 PM for all residents ages 12 and up
- Marlborough: on Tuesday, Oct 2nd from 10:00 to Noon and 4:00 to 6:00 at the Senior Center (40 New St.)
- Other towns will offer them soon too. You can contact the Board of Health at your city/town hall.