Learn About Each President in One Minute

PBS, the Public Broadcasting Service, has a set of one-minute videos – one for each president of the United States. The speaker talks quickly, but there is a transcript (you can read the words), and there is a Spanish version.

For example, here is their video about George Washington:

And here is:

Groundhog Day

February 2nd is a small, fun/silly holiday called Groundhog Day.  You may see it mentioned on the news – especially during the weather report.  According to legend:

  • If the groundhog sees his shadow on Feb 2nd, there will be 6 more weeks of winter
  • If he doesn’t see his shadow, there will be an early spring

Did he see his shadow this year?  Click/press “Continue Reading” to find out…

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Martin Luther King

  Monday January 16th, is the Martin Luther King Day holiday.  Martin Luther King spent his life working for equal rights for African Americans, and all Americans. He was an important civil rights leader and minister whose work helped lead to new laws against racial discrimination.

King’s most famous speech was at a protest rally for equal rights – in front of 250,000 people in Washington DC in 1963, which became known as the “I Have a Dream” speech.

Here’s a link to the entire 17 minute speech on YouTube.