ELLLO – Free Listening Lessons

elllo  Elllo.org is a website with lots of very short (1-4 minute) videos. For each video you can:

  • Turn on English subtitles
  • Read the story (transcript)
  • Take a little quiz

The Elllo “Levels Page” is very good.  You can watch (or listen to) short recordings – with different levels of difficulty. Then you can try exercises for each recording.  This is good for increasing your vocabulary too.

The videos are recorded by people from many countries.  Here are videos by American speakers.  They have rated the difficulty level each video (BEGinner 2-3; INTermediate 4-5; and ADVanced 6-7).

100 Conversations

It’s important to practice speaking – out loud – as much as possible.  If you would like to practice when there is nobody to speak with, you can use this YouTube video called 100 English Conversations Practice.

It’s a set of conversations between two people.  When one person is quiet, read their words out loud. They speak at normal speed, so this will also give you practice speaking more quickly.  It’s easier if you make the video the full size of your screen.

If you are with a friend who is also learning English, you can turn the sound off on your phone/computer, and you can each speak half of the conversation.


numbersEnglishNumber.com is a very good little website to help you learn and practice… English numbers!

Small numbers, large numbers, and numbers of all kinds – such as the name of years (2016), months, dates, fractions, math equations, decimals, and percentages.

There are listening exercises where you can see if you understand the numbers correctly.

This works best on your computer, but it mostly works on your phone/tablet.